Photos of Colette MacDonald's fall

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Family and webmaster-created photos (image on far right created by webmaster from Government photo)

Colette wearing a blonde fall which was designated as Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322 (blue-handled hairbrush). They were also found in CID Exhibit E323 (clear-handled hairbrush), which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
Colette wearing a blonde fall which was designated as Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322 (blue-handled hairbrush). They were also found in CID Exhibit E323 (clear-handled hairbrush), which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
Colette wearing a blonde fall which was designated as Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322 (blue-handled hairbrush). They were also found in CID Exhibit E323 (clear-handled hairbrush), which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
Colette wearing a blonde fall which was designated as Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322 (blue-handled hairbrush). They were also found in CID Exhibit E323 (clear-handled hairbrush), which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
One of Colette MacDonald\'s blonde falls, which may be Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322. They were also found in CID Exhibit E323, which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
One of Colette MacDonald's blonde falls, which may be Exhibit K47. Fibers from K47 were found in CID Exhibit E322. They were also found in CID Exhibit E323, which the defense claimed linked Helena Stoeckley to the crime scene.
Section from hairpiece of Colette MacDonald<BR><BR>Copyright © 2005<BR>Photo of hairpiece provided by Bob Stevenson
Section from hairpiece of Colette MacDonald

Copyright © 2005
Photo of hairpiece provided by Bob Stevenson

Related exhibits

E35 Hair brush from under body of Colette MacDonald (debris)
E322 Blue handled hair brush
E323 Clear handled hair brush


February 14, 1991: Affidavit of Michael Malone (FBI)    

February 19, 1991: Excerpt from Affidavit of Brian Murtagh