Photos and FBI drawings

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U.S. Government images

Pajama top from Kristen MacDonald
Pajama top from Kristen MacDonald
Pajama bottoms from Kristen MacDonald
Pajama bottoms from Kristen MacDonald
Drawing from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI), p. 10 Drawing from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI), p. 10 Drawing from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI), p. 11 Drawing from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI), p. 11
Download complete notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI) which include above drawings
(8.4 Mb ZIP file)

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 17  Page 17
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 17

Paragraph 10:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits D212, D36NB, D37NB, D43NB, D48NB, D49NB, D50NB, D55NB, D62NB, D65NB and D68NB revealed the presence of human blood of the International Blood Group Type O.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19  Page 19
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19

Paragraph 30:  Examinations of Exhibit D19 and the panties and pajama bottom of Exhibit D212 revealed the presence of urine stains.

Additional Reference:
MacDonald Case Facts: Wounds


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

August 16, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Article 32 hearing    

March 20, 1971: Interview of Jeffrey MacDonald by Pruett and Kearns    

June 26, 1973: Excerpt from U.S. Attorney McNamara's memo to the DOJ    

December 12, 1974: Dr. Bruce Bailey at the Grand Jury

January 15, 1975: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at the Grand Jury    

December 14, 1978: Memo from Brian Murtagh to Morris Clark (FBI)    

July 23, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

August 7, 1979: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at trial    

August 23, 1979: Jeffrey MacDonald at trial    

August 27, 1979: Dr. William Neal at trial

February 19, 1991: Excerpt from Affidavit of Brian Murtagh