Photos showing right hand of Colette MacDonald (graphic images)

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U.S. Government photos

Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Body of Colette MacDonald in master bedroom
Autopsy photo of Colette MacDonald
Autopsy photo of Colette MacDonald
Autopsy photo of Colette MacDonald
Autopsy photo of Colette MacDonald

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19  Page 19
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19

Paragraph 27:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits D12, D55, D62, D63, D66, D67, D69, D71, D221, D222, D223, D224, D230, D233, D234, D235, D236, D237, D239, D5K, D22K, D27K, D29K, D33K(1), D34K(1), D1a, D9, D10a, D11, D14a, D29b, D29c, D30b, D37, D41, D65, D68, D133, D135, D138, I213, D240, D244, D248 and D262 indicated the presence of blood. Further examinations were precluded due to the paucity of the stain.

Related exhibits

D256 Debris from Colette MacDonald's hands, including red crusts
E4 Debris from right hand of Colette MacDonald

Webmaster note

Colette was left-handed. In his closing argument at the Article 32 hearing (September 11, 1970), Cpt. Somers theorized that Colette reached out with her right hand during the struggle and scratched MacDonald.

A piece of what may or may not have been "skin", found during the taking of fingernail scrapings from Colette MacDonald, was observed by CID Investigators Ivory (see March 2, 1973 statement below) and Connolly, and was described by Connolly (see March 19, 1971 statement below) as being on the left ring finger.

In U.S. Attorney Thomas McNamara's memo to the DOJ (June 26, 1973), the piece of "skin" was described as being found on Colette's right ring finger.

The CID Reinvestigation report (see excerpt below from March 1 - August 27, 1973) says that "the Pathologist removed a piece of skin from under Colette's bloody fingernail," without specifying whether this was from a left or right finger.

At the Grand Jury (see August 21, 1974 excerpt below), Connolly testified that "a piece of skin, I believe, was on the small finger of Colette by the fingernail."

At the Grand Jury (see January 15, 1975 excerpt below), William Ivory (CID) testified that a piece of bloody latex glove found in the apartment near the outstretched hand of the body of Colette "when first initially observed gives the appearance of being a small piece of skin."

Dr. Gammel testified at trial (see July 26, 1979 excerpt below) that"I did what would be a routine fingernail scraping. I just took a fingernail file and scraped out any material that was there. I thought on the left small finger there might have been a little fragment of skin there . . ."


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

July 16, 1970: Dr. George Gammel at the Article 32 hearing    

July 22, 1970 - August 31, 1971: Notes of Janice Glisson (CID) and CID Lab Documents      

July 26, 1979: Dr. George Gammel at trial