Photos of kitchen cabinet under sink

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U.S. Government photos

Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink
Kitchen cabinets under sink

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19  Page 19
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19

Paragraph 26:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits D14, D34, D35, D56, D58, D59, D64, D72, D73, D95, D104, D106, D107, D109, D118, D148, D149, D150, D154, D155, D161, D19K, D21K, D23K, D24K, D33K(2), D34K(3), D217, D225, C, D250, D268 and D269 revealed the presence of human blood. Blood typing examinations were precluded due either to the paucity of the stain or the contamination of the stain.

Related exhibits

D245 Package containing surgeons gloves bearing red-brown stains from kitchen
D24K Red-brown stain on kitchen floor, 3' 4-1/2" north-east of northwest corner of stove
D25K Red-brown stains on kitchen floor, 1' 9" north of northwest corner of stove
D26K Red-brown stain on kitchen floor, 2' 6" north of south wall and 2" east of sink cabinet


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

July 23, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

August 1, 1979: Craig Chamberlain (CID) at trial

August 2, 1979: Janice Glisson (CID) at trial