Photos of what may be toy bear in north bedroom (includes graphic image)

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U.S. Government photos

Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)
Possible toy bear in north bedroom (circled by webmaster)

CID Findings

ca. April 20, 1971:  USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24

USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24, page 3  Page 3
USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24, page 3

Paragraph 10:  Examination of the red-brown stains of Exhibits D159 (2), and D279 revealed the presence of blood. Further examinations indicated the presence of human blood of the International Blood Group Type A (or AB with decomposition of the Group Specific Factor B).

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

Webmaster note:  Although this exhibit is mentioned on page 1 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 1
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 1
and page 11 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 11
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 11
of the USACIL Consolidated Report, no Findings for it appear in that report.


ca. March 10, 1971: Notes of Dillard Browning (CID)