Photo of nightgown

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Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Kimberly MacDonald
Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Kimberly MacDonald

CID Findings

ca. May 25, 1971:  USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R25

USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R25, page 1  Page 1
USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R25, page 1

Paragraph 1:  Comparative examination of the hairs from Exhibit E324 with the hairs from Exhibits E322, E323, E325, E4 and E5 showed same to be dissimilar in physical characteristics.

USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R25, page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R25, page 2

Paragraph 2:  Comparative examination of the hairs from Exhibit E325 showed same to be similar in gross color, pigmentation and structure to some of the hairs from Exhibits E323 and E35 and could have had the same source of origin.

Webmaster note:  Per the affidavit of John Murphy, Janice Glisson (CID lab technician) referred to this exhibit in her handwritten notes:

Rec'd in prop. sealed cb b. . . .
Exb B = E325: one sm. film cannister cont. hair like sealed (stapled) plastic bag cont.
hairs from nightgown of Kimberly MacDonald . . .

Exb B = E325: clump of hairs with some colorless, red & blue & green fibers. some broken and some long - curly. lt med brown throughout with frag prominent medulla & striated pigmentation granules along with granules (salt and pepper) also one long eccentric granule all hairs have ~ characteristics.
(Exhibit 1, p. 37)

Related exhibit

D208 Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Kimberly MacDonald


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

1974-1975: Excerpts from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI)      

January 15, 1975: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at the Grand Jury    

October 16, 1990: Excerpts from Affidavit of John Murphy