Photos of bed in east bedroom (includes graphic images)

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U.S. Government photos

Bed in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
Bed in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
Bed in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
Bed in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
Bed in east bedroom
Bed in east bedroom
Bed in east bedroom
Bed in east bedroom

CID Findings

ca. June 5, 1970:  USACIL Report FA-D-P-C-FP-82-70-R-4 (Changes)

USACIL Report FA-D-P-C-FP-82-70-R-4 (Changes), page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report FA-D-P-C-FP-82-70-R-4 (Changes), page 2

     b.  Changes . . .

          3.  Change D3 to I3 in paragraph 10 of preliminary report (6 April 70)

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18  Page 18
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18

Paragraph 17:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits I3, D4, D13, D20, D26, D29, D74, D130, D132, D137, D140, D151, D152, D158, D256, D71NB, D72NB, B2, D267 and D270 revealed the presence of human blood. Further examinations indicated same to be of the International Blood Group Type A or Type O.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 23  Page 23
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 23

Paragraph 61:  No examinations were performed to see if the pieces of surgical gloves were of the same type as the gloves of Exhibit D245.

        The following are approximate sizes of the pieces of surgeon's gloves:

        Exhibit I3 - Size of a dime.
        Exhibit I21 - Three fourth's of one finger.
        Exhibit I213 - Size of a quarter.
        Exhibit I226 - Size of a dime.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 24  Page 24
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 24

Paragraph 64:  The gloves of Exhibits D33K and D34K are not surgical gloves, therefore not identifiable with the suspected pieces of surgical gloves of Exhibits I3, I21, I213 and I226.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26  Page 26
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26

Paragraph 1:  Examination of Exhibits A thru C, I, K, M, N, and X did not reveal any comparable latent prints.

Webmaster note:  The reference to Exhibit I in this excerpt is assumed by this writer to refer to the following exhibits:

I3 Suspected portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from bed in east bedroom
I21 Suspected portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from bedding on floor in east bedroom
I213 Suspected portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from east bedroom
I226 Suspect portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from Colette MacDonald's body

Related exhibits

D19 Sheet bearing red-brown stains from bed in east bedroom
D245 Package containing surgeons gloves bearing red-brown stains from kitchen
E19a Debris from sheet on bed in east bedroom
E211 Debris from sheet on floor of east bedroom
I21 Suspected portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from bedding on floor in east bedroom
I213 Suspected portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from east bedroom
I226 Suspect portion of surgical glove bearing red-brown stains from Colette MacDonald's body

Webmaster note

Many documents refer to four fragments of latex rubber gloves found in the master bedroom. Other documents refer to only three. However, five fragments were actually found:

     Exhibit I3 (from the bed)
     Exhibit I21 (finger section found at the crime scene, from the sheet on the floor)
     Exhibit E211 vial (found at the laboratory, from the sheet on the floor)
     Exhibit I213 (from near the dresser)
     Exhibit I226 (from the floor near Colette MacDonald's left elbow)

During the questioning of William Ivory on July 5, 1970, he refers to only three fragments, saying one was found "there" (which presumably would have been either I213, which was the piece he later testified to finding near the dresser, or I226, which was the piece he later testified to finding near the body of Colette MacDonald), and the others were found on the bed (Exhibit I3) and in the bedding (I21).

At the Article 32 hearing on July 22, 1970, Ivory again refers to only three glove fragments, saying he found two of them. At trial on July 30, 1979, Hilyard Medlin testified that he (Medlin) found the piece which was on the bed (Exhibit I3).

At the Grand Jury on August 20, 1974, Ivory refers to only two fragments: One found near the body of Colette (I226) and one found on the bed (Exhibit I3). At the Grand Jury on January 15, 1975, he refers to four fragments: Exhibit I3, I21, I213 and I226.

At trial on July 25, 1979, Ivory again refers to only three fragments: I21, I213 and I226 (for details, see the notes for those exhibits),

At trial, witnesses Michael Hoffman (for the prosecution) and Vincent Guinn (for the defense) testified about comparing four of these fragments with the Perry-brand latex gloves (Exhibit D245) which were found under the kitchen sink. This writer can find no mention of Exhibit I3 in those testimonies.


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

April 6, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald's CID interview with Grebner, Ivory and Shaw    

July 5, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of Robert Shaw (CID)    

July 5, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of William Ivory (CID)    

July 14, 1970: Cpt. Somers at the Article 32 hearing

July 22, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

August 16, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Article 32 hearing    

September 11, 1970: Closing arguments at the Article 32 hearing

October 13, 1970: Article 32 Investigating Officer Colonel Warren Rock's Report

June 26, 1973: Excerpts from U.S. Attorney McNamara's memo to the DOJ    

August 20, 1974: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

October 24, 1974: Dillard Browning (CID) at the Grand Jury    

January 15, 1975: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

January 15, 1975: Discussion at the Grand Jury

January 21, 1975: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Grand Jury    

July 25, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

July 25, 1979: Discussion at trial re: neutron activation analysis

July 30, 1979: Hilyard Medlin (CID) at trial    

August 13, 1979: Excerpt from Bench Conference at trial    

August 24, 1979: Jeffrey MacDonald at trial    

August 28, 1979: Final arguments at trial

December 21, 1984: Defendant's Motion for Discovery and Inspection of Documents

May 31, 1985: Excerpt from Brief of Appellant to the U.S. Fourth Circuit

December 17, 1985: Excerpt from U. S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals

February 19, 2009: Excerpt from defense's corrected motion for appeal