Photos showing items under edge of overturned coffee table

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U.S. Government photos

Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room
Overturned coffee table in living room

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26  Page 26
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26

Paragraph 1:  Examination of Exhibits A thru C, I, K, M, N, and X did not reveal any comparable latent prints.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 28  Page 28
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 28

EXAMINER'S NOTE:  Regarding the red stain on the edge of the Esquire magazine, Exhibit L, attention is directed to paragraph 22 of the chemistry annex of this report in which it is reported that the red stain is in fact blood and is of the International Blood Group Type A or AB.

During the crime scene process, this magazine was found in one of the two stacks which contained books, magazines, and a cardboard box which was under the edge of the coffee table located in the living room in front of the sofa.

The bloodstain appeared to have been made by a person's finger due to its shape. However, it cannot be positively stated that it was made by a person's finger since definite ridge pattern formation was precluded by the separations of the individual pages.

Webmaster note:  The reference to paragraph 22 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 19
in the Examiner's note is a typographical error. The correct paragraph number is 21 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18

FBI Fingerprint Report

Full transcript

(Emphasis added)

. . . The thirty remaining, eighteen latent palm prints, and six latent impressions appearing exhibits, 1x2, 2x5, 2x34, 3x1, 3x4, 3x6, 3x10, 3x12, 3x20, 3x22, 3x25, 3x29, 4x17, 4x23, 5x4, 5x6, 5x7, 5x11, 5x12, 5x14, 5x18, 6x5 and 6, 6x7, 6x9, 7x1, 7x2, J, L-24, P, S-1, S-2, M, Q, and Z were compared with the available inked prints of Jeffrey Robert MacDonald, Colette S. MacDonald, and with the available inked prints of 125 individuals, whose names appear on the attached list, but no identification were effected. Conclusive comparisons could not be made in some instances because the inked prints are not fully recorded, including tips, sides, lower joint areas of fingers and palm prints, and some of the copies of prints are not completely legible.


July 1, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of Franz Grebner (CID)    

July 14, 1970: Discussion at the Article 32 hearing

July 21, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

July 23 and 24, 1970; Robert Shaw (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

August 16, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Article 32 hearing    

September 11, 1970: Closing arguments at the Article 32 hearing

March 1 - August 27, 1973: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

June 26, 1973: Excerpts from U.S. Attorney McNamara's memo to the DOJ    

August 16, 1974: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Grand Jury    

August 20, 1974: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

January 16, 1975: William Ivory (CID) with Grand Jurors at crime scene

February 12, 1975: Excerpt from FBI Fingerprint Report    

July 20, 1979: Kenneth Mica (MP) at trial

July 23, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

August 23, 1979: Jeffrey MacDonald at trial