Diagrams of house and photos showing northwest entrance to kitchen (exterior and interior)

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U.S. Government images

Diagram of 544 Castle Drive, Fayetteville, NC
Diagram of 544 Castle Drive, Fayetteville, NC
Diagram of 544 Castle Drive, Fayetteville, NC
Diagram of 544 Castle Drive, Fayetteville, NC
North kitchen door (second door from left)
North kitchen door (second door from left)
North kitchen door (to right, visible behind phone cord)
North kitchen door (to right, visible behind phone cord)
North kitchen door (second door from left)
North kitchen door (second door from left)

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 29  Page 29
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 29

Disassembly and examination of the components and locking devices submitted in Exhibits Y-1, Y-2, Y-3 revealed no markings or other indications of having been forced or opened by any instrument other than a normal house key.

Related exhibits

Y1 Two locking devices removed from south entrance, #544 Castle Drive, Ft Bragg, NC
Y2 Two locking devices removed from north-east entrance, #544 Castle Drive, Ft Bragg, NC


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

February 20, 1970: Excerpt from statement of Dr. Severt Jacobson to the FBI    

March 2, 1970: Excerpt from statement of Dr. Severt Jacobson to the CID    

July 22, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

August 16, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Article 32 hearing    

August 15, 1974: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Grand Jury    

November 13, 1974: Dr. Severt Jacobson at the Grand Jury    

October 25, 1980: Excerpts from confession of Helena Stoeckley      

Freddy Kassab's notes on Helena Stoeckley's 1980 statements

May 31, 1985: Excerpt from Brief of Appellant to the U.S. Fourth Circuit

June 26, 1991: Hearing on defense's second petition for writ of habeas corpus    

May 18, 1995: Jeffrey MacDonald writes about drugs and Fort Bragg